February 22, 2024
- 这四家公司首先在西班牙进行了实际现场测试,将创新的空芯光纤技术与高容量相干DWDM传输相结合
- 空心芯光纤的设计目的是在没有固体芯材料的情况下引导光线,从而比传统光纤更快、更有效地传输数据
- This breakthrough marks an unprecedented milestone in the telecommunications industry, reducing latency by more than 30% compared to traditional fiber
Leading companies in the telecommunications and infrastructure sector, lyntia, Nokia, OFS | Furukawa Solutions和Digital Realty (Interxion)在真实环境中成功进行了现场试验,这是一个前所未有的里程碑. 这四家公司联手实施并展示了创新空芯光纤技术的潜力.
By guiding light within a hollow core, light travels almost 46% faster than in conventional solid-core optical fibers, resulting in lower latency transmission. Furthermore, 减少了光信号与光纤结构之间的相互作用,可以传输更高的功率.
A Breakthrough in the Telecommunications Sector
Prior to implementing the technology in a real environment, 试点测试由诺基亚贝尔实验室的光网络专家在巴黎的一个实验室进行. 初步结果显示,与传统光纤相比,延迟显著降低30%以上,非线性效应显著降低.
The pilot tests in Paris demonstrated data rates of 800 Gb/s and 1.2 Tb/s. 结果表明,空心纤维具有突破实芯纤维非线性香农容量极限的潜力.
最近在马德里完成的现场试验证实了空心岩心技术的可行性和有效性. The trial demonstrated a round-trip latency reduction of 4.287μs over a 1.386km link; a latency reduction of more than 30% relative to conventional single-mode fiber. 现场试验期间部署的容量在单个600Gbps波长上为6x100Gbps,在单个100Gbps波长上为10x10Gbps.
该技术最典型的用例是在办公室或数据中心之间提供连接,在这些地方,低延迟对业务服务至关重要. 未来的发展有望改善空心链路的衰减范围和光容量.
Successful Collaboration Between lyntia, Nokia, OFS | Furukawa Solutions, and Digital Realty
这些结果和预期的未来技术改进加强了lyntia继续开发高质量产品的承诺, ultra-low-latency network infrastructure. 该公司位于马德里市中心的战略位置,是该公司的起点.使用OFS | Furukawa Solutions开发的创新AccuCore®HCF光纤电缆,将4公里的链路部署到Digital Realty (Interxion)数据中心, 全球领先的电信市场高品质空芯电缆技术供应商.
In addition, Nokia, a company recognized for its advanced technology in the telecommunications sector, 在这个联盟中发挥了至关重要的作用,提供传输设备和现场和实验室测试.
这次成功的现场试验凸显了lyntia在光纤领域创新的承诺, Nokia, OFS and Interxion (Digital Realty). The four companies plan to continue to take hollow core fiber technology to the next level, paving the way for a more efficient and innovative era in the world of telecommunications.
“空心芯纤维等创新为加速经济数字化做出了重大贡献, and the fact that this pilot was carried out from Madrid will result in an even greater impact,” said Javier Montemayor, director of operations at Digital Realty in Madrid.
In the words of David Knight, OFS | Furukawa Solutions Product Line Manager, “最近在巴黎和马德里与我们的技术合作伙伴合作完成的试验证明了空芯传输的独特光学优势. OFS AccuCore®HCF解决方案经过验证,现已可用于支持中空芯光纤解锁下一代链路性能的新兴应用.”
Eduardo Duato, CTIO of lyntia, highlighted, “这个试点是lyntia不断创新的一部分,以增加我们为客户提供的价值. In our strategic plan, 我们寻找与我们有共同动力的合作伙伴,使我们能够为客户提供最先进的技术.”
Rafael de Fermín, Senior Vice President of Network Infrastructure Europe at Nokia, 诺基亚表示:“诺基亚对在马德里市中心进行的空芯光纤现场试验的结果非常满意. We are delighted to partner with lyntia, OFS | Furukawa Solutions, and Interxion on this achievement in preparation for the growing demands on networks. With this new technology, operators will be able to push the boundaries of super-coherent performance, to deliver massive network scale and reach of services, while helping to ensure more sustainable growth.”
About lyntia Networks
lyntia Networks is the leading neutral operator in the wholesale telecommunications market, with more than 48,000 km of deployed fiber, offering connectivity services over optical fiber, with extensive network coverage and a high level of capillarity. lyntia Networks also provides all types of connectivity services: dark fiber, capacity, Internet, co-location, cloud connection, etc.
lyntia Networks’ fiber optic network connects the country’s major cities and serves more than 3,200 cities and towns. 它还与伊比利亚半岛的主要水下电缆系泊点相连.
About Nokia
At Nokia, we create technology that helps the world act as one. As a leader in B2B technology innovation, we pioneer networks that feel, think, and act through our work on mobile, fixed, and cloud networks. We also create value with intellectual property and long-term research, led by the award-winning Nokia Bell Labs.
Service providers, businesses, and partners around the world rely on Nokia to deliver secure, reliable, and sustainable networks today, and work with us to create the digital services and applications of the future.
About OFS | Furukawa Solutions
OFS | Furukawa Solutions is a leading global designer, manufacturer and supplier of optical fiber, fiber optic cable, connectivity, fiber-to-the-subscriber (FTTx) and specialized fiber optic products. 我们将我们的开发和制造资源用于为电信等领域的应用创造解决方案, medicine, industrial networks, sensing, aerospace, defense and energy. OFS | Furukawa Solutions offers unmatched leadership in installation, connectivity and hollow-core cable solutions.
Based in Norcross (near Atlanta), Georgia, USA. OFS | Furukawa Solutions是一家全球供应商,在全球不同国家设有办事处和工厂. OFS | Furukawa Solutions is part of Furukawa Electric Group, a multi-million dollar leader in optical communications.
Learn more about AccuCore HCF Optical Fiber Cable, the world’s first terrestrial hollow-core fiber (HCF) cable solution.
Please visit ffpelg.d3t0m.com.
About Digital Realty
Digital Realty通过提供全方位的数据中心,将公司和数据结合在一起, colocation and interconnection solutions. PlatformDIGITAL®, the company’s global data center platform, 为客户提供安全的数据会议场所和经过验证的普及数据中心架构(PDx®)解决方案方法,以推动创新并有效管理数据重力挑战. Digital Realty在六大洲25个国家的50多个城市拥有300多个设施的全球数据中心,为客户提供对他们至关重要的连接数据社区. To learn more about Digital Realty, please visit digitalrealty.com or follow us on LinkedInand X.
OFS | Furukawa Solutions PR Contact
Sherry Salyer
(770) 798 4210
OFS | Furukawa Solutions Specialty Sales Contact
John Earnhardt
(860) 335 0881
OFS | Furukawa Solutions Technical Contact
David Knight
(508) 347 8500