We proudly offer the availability of 建设美国, 购买美国货法案 (BABAA) compliant
optical fiber, fiber optic cabling, 和 optical connectivity products for BEAD-Funded Networks.


根据《beat365登录》于2021年11月成立, 宽带权益, 可访问性, 和部署(BEAD)计划包括42美元.450亿美元,专门通过融资规划扩大高速互联网接入, 基础设施部署, 以及所有50个州的收养项目, 华盛顿D.C.,波多黎各,美国.S. Virgin Isl和s, 关岛, American Samoa, 和 the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Isl和s. 有资格获得欧洲发展方案资助, network builds must use construction materials 和 工业产品 that comply to BABAA st和ards. OFS offers an extensive range of BABAA compliant products tailored to the specific needs of BEAD-funded projects.
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近五十年来,OFS与它的AT&T贝尔实验室一直走在光纤的前沿, 光缆, 以及美国的光连接开发和生产. 我们的传统之一就是 原始光纤技术的发明者,我们有。 无可比拟的专业知识,使我们在行业内处于领先地位 国内 光纤制造商 解决方案 在美国.S. 在OFS, we support the goals of the 建设美国,购买美国法案 while delivering outst和ing optical fiber 和 光缆s that empower your infrastructure projects. Contact us today to learn more about our products 和 how we can support your organization’s success.



领先的光纤制造商 & 美国的光纤电缆

在OFS, we specialize in manufacturing high-quality optical fiber 和 光缆s at our advanced facilities 在美国SA. Our state-of-the-art manufacturing ensures superior quality 和 reliable performance for your infrastructure projects. 我们在美国的办事处有:

  • 佐治亚州诺
  • 卡罗敦,遗传算法
  • 雅芳,CT
  • 萨默塞特郡新泽西
  • Sturbridge,马




我们为我们对国内制造的承诺感到自豪. 我们的光纤和光缆是在美国生产的, 和 we support the goals of the 购买美国货法案’s 国内 preference requirements. By choosing our products, you support local industries 和 contribute to the growth of rural America.


  1. 无与伦比的专业知识: 具有多年的行业经验, 我们很自豪能成为美国领先的光纤电缆制造商. Our team of experts is dedicated to delivering innovative 解决方案 that meet the evolving needs of engineers, 技术人员, 像你这样的规划者.
  2. 前沿技术: We leverage advanced manufacturing techniques 和 cutting-edge technology to produce optical fiber 和 光缆s of the highest quality. Our commitment to research 和 development enables us to stay ahead of the curve 和 deliver products that exceed industry st和ards.
  3. 定制的解决方案: 我们知道每个项目都有独特的要求. 这就是为什么我们提供一系列可定制的光纤电缆解决方案. 不管是纤维含量, 电缆设计, 或者特定的性能属性, 我们可以根据您项目的具体规格定制产品.
  4. 可靠性和性能: 我们的光纤和光缆是为了提供可靠性和性能. 从高速数据传输到鲁棒信号完整性, 我们的电缆确保无缝连接, 即使在最苛刻的环境中.
  5. 让美国跟上发展速度: 我们支持《beat365体育亚洲官网在线》的目标. 通过选择我们的光纤和光纤电缆, you not only receive top-quality products but also contribute to the growth of 国内 industries 和 the development of rural America.
  6. 经验: 我们在&贝尔实验室的传统使我们成为光纤领域的领导者, 光缆, 自1977年以来在美国的光学连接生产. Millions of miles of our optical fiber 和 光缆 have been deployed across America by leading service providers 和 utilities of all sizes.
  7. 尊敬的客户服务: 我们广泛的U.S. 基于技术和工程支持的高度评价. We also work closely with our customers 和 have been co-innovating with companies like yours for decades. 




了解光纤宽带是如何影响俄勒冈州桑迪市的. OFS helped deploy a turnkey Fiber-to-the-Home (FTTH) network in the City of S和y, Oregon. 该网络使1gb /s的宽带业务达到约3gb /s,500名居民通过S和yNet, the internet service provider (ISP) owned by the community 和 operated by the city since 2003.



  • National Telecommunications 和 Information Administration Limited General Applicability Nonavailability 豁免 of the Buy America Domestic Content Procurement Preference as Applied to Recipients of Broadb和 Equity, 访问, 部署方案: 豁免
    • 建设美国, 《beat365体育亚洲官网在线》与宽带公平相关的常见问题解答(FAQ), 访问, 和部署(BEAD)计划: 豁免
  • Economic Development Administration Buy America Projects Planned Prior to the Implementation Date of 建设美国, 5月14日购买美国货, 2022: 豁免
  • National Telecommunications 和 Information Administration Limited Applicability Nonavailability 豁免 of the Buy America Domestic Content Procurement Preference as Applied to Recipients of Middle Mile Grant Program Awards: 豁免
  • NTIA Limited General Applicability Public Interest (Tribal Broadb和 Connectivity Infrastructure): 豁免
  • 商务部 Temporary General Applicability Public Interest 豁免 for Federal Financial Assistance Awarded for Infrastructure Projects Located 在美国.S. 北马里亚纳群岛联邦太平洋岛屿领土(CNMI), 关岛, 和美属萨摩亚, 统称为太平洋岛屿领土: 豁免